Home > Diebetes > Uncovering Diabetes - The Mother of The Diseases of Civilization
Uncovering Diabetes - The Mother of The Diseases of Civilization
Posted on Selasa, 19 September 2017 by Unknown
For my first article on EzineArticles I want to jump straight into the cauldron and try to disseminate some truth about a disease that is by far the biggest modern day killer of mankind, diabetes. You might well already be sitting there now tutting, shaking your head and thinking that heart disease, cancer and obesity are the biggest killers and I can only agree with you, they are, which is exactly why I thought that it had to be this topic that I write about first because diabetes is a disease that is so mired in untruths, confusion and frankly covered in bovine faces, the truth needs to told as clearly and directly as possible.
I will begin with a gentle, historical introduction, although this will soon give way to details of a deadly cover-up and scandal affecting hundreds of millions worldwide. Often diabetes is categorized as a chronic auto-immune disease, which basically means it is incurable, with the body attacking itself, which for the vast majority of cases is absolutely nonsense. Everyone needs to know the truth about this disease, although sadly the truth will be of little comfort to those already suffering from the disease, although it can help with an effective strategy in dealing with the disease before it erupts into a chronic, deadly symptom. That word 'symptom' might cause some confusion, as there is a very clear symptomatic set of illnesses that diabetes is the ultimate aetiology (cause) of. Diabetes in itself is only the first step down a long road of illness, a road that need never have been travelled down. All of which will be made perfectly clear after an historical introduction to the disease.
Diabetes mellitus is a disease that prevents any, or enough insulin being produced or used properly. Insulin is produced in the pancreas, being required to turn sugar and other foods into energy for use by cells, tissues, muscles and organs, for all the various bodily functions. Without insulin, blood sugar levels get dangerously high, leading to a number of complications.
The word diabetes comes from the Greek, diabainen, meaning to straddle, or to siphon, due to the excessive urination associated with diabetes, which is sweet, hence its name mellitus, Latin for sweet or honey, added to its name in 1676. It was recognised as a chronic (incurable) disease by the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks, Indians and Romans, with its name in the various languages translated as 'sweet piss'. The Indian physician Sushrata, in the 6th century BC, associated it with a lack of exercise and obesity. Galen, a second century disciple of Hippocrates, only ever saw two cases, with Hippocrates making no mention of it, possibly as he never saw any cases. The Persian Avicenna (980-1037) recognised two distinct types and treated it with a mixture of lupine, zedoary seed and fenugreek, which is still prescribed today throughout Asia. The Egyptian Maimonides (1135-1204) mentions it is very rare in the colder parts of Europe and more frequent in warmer Africa, where he had 20 cases in 10 years. So therefore its occurrence can be said to be rare historically.
The word diabetes first appeared in English literature in 1425 and the word insulin, was first used by Sir Edward Sharpey-Schafer in 1910, derived from the Latin insula, meaning an island, a reference to the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas where insulin is produced (which sounds like a great scenic place for a picnic!). Sir Frederick Grant Banting won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1923 for his work on insulin's role, giving all patents attached to his discoveries freely to the world, so as to not put a cost on health. World Diabetes Day every year is deservedly called Banting Day in his honour and memory. It's just a shame that the truth about this disease has been all but fully covered up since this time and what should have been freely available has made trillions for the pharmaceutical industry.
Diabetes was still so rare at the turn of the 20th century, it was considered no more than a curiosity, accounting for only 0.0028% of all deaths in the United States. Today, over 10% of the US population are on prescribed medication for diabetes, another 10% who have diabetes are considered to have it 'under control' requiring no medication and another 30% who show pre-onset symptoms (which equals an incredible 50%). According to some claims it is already responsible for up to 40% of all deaths in the US, although CVD and cancer are already responsible for 80% of all deaths. Which makes 120%! How is this possible? Well here begins what can only be termed a conspiracy. Please don't go thinking this word conspiracy has anything to do anti-establishment, anarchists or left-wing, dope smoking environmentalists, it actually means to 'breathe together' and implies any collusion of individuals or industries and with diabetes there has certainly been a significant conspiracy.
In the 1950s when Type 2 diabetes was first recognised, it was known as Adult Onset Diabetes, or Insulin Resistant Diabetes, or Hyperinsulinemia. It was seen as a major risk factor, even back then, for all the following - Atherosclerosis, various Vascular diseases, Heart disease, Stroke, ADHD, Liver damage, Impotence, Kidney failure, various Cancers, Obesity, Retinopathy and Gangrene. Today we can add to this list, systemic Candida, poor wound Healing, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Even n the 1930s, all these diseases were seen as symptoms of diabetes. Which is the same as saying these diseases are caused by diabetes. Why is this still not true?
A major reason for this would be that in 1949 the U.S restructured its medical agenda. One of the results of this was the splitting of the symptom sets from diabetes, all to be treated as separate diseases. Thereafter, if a patient displayed a symptom set from diabetes that was a heart disease, the patient was ascribed to a heart specialist, if death resulted whilst seeing this specialist, death would be recorded as heart failure. If the diabetes had caused a problem with the kidneys, the patient would be under the auspices of a kidney specialist, similarly if death occurs whilst seeing this specialist, the death is recorded as kidney failure. If cancer was the result of diabetes the patient would be seen by an oncologist and if death was the result cancer was recorded as the cause of death. This is what is known as the "death certificate shuffle', used to distort the real causes of death.
This took the onus away from diabetes being blamed. Diabetes in the 1930s, was known to be caused by excessive carbohydrate ingestion. Dr Sokoloff in the 1940s clearly saw that diabetes was as a result of carbohydrates forming too high a proportion of the diet. Nothing has changed since then, apart from now we have what can only be termed super-carbohydrates, with a diet that for the vast majority involves eating predominately refined carbohydrates. Sugar and glucose forming dietary inputs definitely do cause an increase in blood sugar, unlike consumption of many saturated fats (such as coconut and grass-fed butter), which does not make us fat, just as the consumption of green vegetables does not make us green. Which of course directly points the finger of blame at the food supply as being the ultimate cause of these deaths recorded as heart or kidney failure. All are complications resulting from the consumption of an inappropriate diet, with a light shining brightly on sugar.
Obesity is the easiest of the entire range of the diseases of civilization (which also includes cancer, heart disease, dementia, depression, ADD and many more) to not only identify visually but also to cure (eat less, move more). It is also unanimously agreed upon as being a result of a poor diet. Today, most of the other diseases of civilization are enshrouded in mystery, both about the causes and cures. In the second decade of the twenty first century, we are less clear about disease than we were in the second decade of the twentieth century.
All of the above clearly implicates diet as being the aetiology of diabetes, Type 2 that is, as Type 1, which affects less than 3% of diabetics (a percentage that is getting lower as more and more people succumb to Type 2) is predominately heritable, although as more research is undertaken, factors such as formula milk, cows milk and artificial sweeteners will be shown to be risk factors also. Here's where the conspiracy comes into play and the confusion begins to creep in, as it is uncertain whether the knowledge has been downplayed as a direct consequence of the meddling from the food and pharmaceutical industries, or whether it's just a coincidence and that when discovered it was kept quiet. I feel certain that the sugar industry has a huge part to play in this as it is of course sugar that can unarguably be a major risk factor in any raising of the blood sugar levels (I will discuss sugar and The Sugar Association in a future article on EzineArticles). Although sugar is not alone, as unbeknown to most of the public, consumption of white flour, white rice, milk and meat also raises the blood sugar levels. Incredibly 80% of the modern diet involves these processed foods, so a raise in blood sugar levels is inevitable with consumption of a modern diet.
The average adult bloodstream has roughly as much glucose as that found in a teaspoon of sugar. If diabetic, this means the bloodstream has another quarter of a teaspoon of sugar in the bloodstream, that's it. This causes the classic symptoms of diabetes to occur - polyuria (frequent, often sweet urination); polydipsia (increased thirst) and polyphagia (increased hunger). This little bit of extra sugar causes these, all in an attempt to eliminate and dilute the excess glucose. Is there any surprise that this delicate balance of blood sugar is out of balance considering the dietary input of today? The average consumption is well over a kilogram everyday of unnecessary and detrimental processed flour, sugar and milk (or a third of a ton a year), much more for many. As diabetes is defined by this increased blood sugar level, there should never have been any confusion about where the blame lies for any increase in the rates of Type 2 diabetes. Incredibly such a simple answer has been deliberately covered-up and there is no doubt about it that this basic information has been manipulated by the food and pharmaceutical industries, with collusion from the governments as one only has to consider the etymology of the word government to understand the true role of a government. Govern means to control and ment refers to mental, the true etymology of which means 'control your mind' and 'to steer mankind'.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8891678
Category Article Diebetes
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